Saturday, February 21, 2009

Missed Prayers

Ni dr usrah yg aku dpt


If prayers have been missed, one of the following three scenarios must apply:

1. The prayer was missed for a reason such as sleeping or forgetting. In that case it must be made up, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"Whoever forgets a prayer or sleep and misses it, the expiation(compensate) for that is to pray it when he remembers."
Narrated by al-Bukhari,572;Muslim,684

He should offer these prayers in order as enjoined, because of the hadeeth of Jaabir ibn 'Abd-Allaah, according to which 'Umar ibn al-Khattab(may Allaah be pleased with him) came on the day of al-Khandaq after the sun had set and started cursing the kuffaar of Quraysh and saying,
"O Messenger of Allaah, I could hardly pray 'Asr until the sun had almost set." The Prophet(PBUH) said:"By Allaah, I did not pray it either." We went to Bat-haan and he did wudoo' for prayer and so did we, then he prayed 'Asr after the sun had set, then he prayed Maghrib after that.
Narrated by al-Bukhari(571) and Muslim(631

2. He omitted the prayer for a reason but he was not aware of it, such as unconsciousness. In this case the prayer is waived for him and he does not have to make it up.

example question:
The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked:
I was involved in a car accident and I stayed in the hospital for
three months, where I did not wake up and I did not pray for all that time.
Is it waived for me or do I have to make up all the missed prayers?

They replied :
The prayers during the period mentioned are waived in you case,
so long as you were unconscious throughout that period. End quote.

example question:
If a person remains unconsciuos for a month and does not pray throughout
that period, then he regains consciousness after that, does he have to repeat
the missed prayers?

They replied:
He does not have to make up the prayers that he missed during
that period,because he comes under the same ruling as one who is insane,
and the Pen is lifted from one who is insane(i.e; his deeds are
not recorded). Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah, 6/21)

3. He missed the prayers fo NO reason
One of two scenarios applies in this case:

a) Either he denied and refused to accept that they are obligatory.
In this case there is no dispute that this is kufr and he has
nothing to do with Islam. He has to enter Islam and then do all
the duties and obligation of Islam, but he does not have to make
up the prayers he missed when he was a kaafir.

b) Or he did not pray because he was negligent and lazy. In this case the prayers are not valid if he makes them up, because he had noexcuse at the time when he missed them. Allaah has enjoined prayers at certain, clearly-defined times, as He says(interpretation of the meaning): [al-Nisa' 4:103] "Verily,As-Salaah(the prayer) is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours"

And the Messenger(PBUH) said: "Whoever does an action that is not part of this matter of ours will have it rejected."
Narrated by al-Bukhari,2697;Muslim,1718

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


ni gambar lam bilik sebelum di sepah2kan dlm nya hahah

dr kiri...farah(anak syikin),syikin, aku, ijat(anak k.aluyah), ana dan k.aluyah (merangkap mak angkat kami heheh)

dr kiri...aku, ijat , ana dan anak2nye

nana dan hafiz yg sonok sgt sbb dah lama x mandi kolam

hubby aku nak turun snorkeling.....dimana aku??? heheh takut lagik nk turun..masa aku snorkeling xde gambar sbb x bwk kamera hehe

umah kami menginap....cantikkan kaler biru lagik...feveret aku hahah

mlm 28hb januari aku menuju ke private beach di obhur, jeddah bersama2 dgn bbrp family msia yg lain. Di sana aku akan bermalam 2mlm. kami menyewa 4 buah rumah. rumah aku di kongsi ngan 2 family yg lain iaitu k.aluyah dan ana....kira cam markas siemens la. markas makan utk hari pertama kat umah fiza dan utk hari ke-2 lak markas makan nye kat markas siemens la. sonok sgt sbb cam wat kenduri jek...sbb sikap tlg-menolong di antara satu sama lain sgt kuat. pastu time nak sediakan makanan kat dapur time tu la sonok bercite...hahahah

sonok giler sbb kat sana aku 1st time betul2 dpt snorkeling. 1st time turun ke laut tgn laki aku pegang sekuat hati yg bole hahaha penakut air la katakan. last2 bila dah stabil baru la aku rilek sket....dan kami sama2 berenang utk mencari ikan dan batu karang. itu pun pakai safety jacket dan di pegang oleh hubby..aku ni mana la tau berenang.masya allah ciptaan allah sungguh cantik di dlm laut tu. dpt gak la aku tgk batu karang dan ikan2 beso dan kecik. dah smp sini kan x kan xnk snorkeling kan...smp kan laki aku berhabisan ratusan riyal gak la nak beli alat2 utk snorkeling tu...hihihi. nmpk gayanyer kena la selalu ke sini kan heheh. anak2 aku pun sonok sgt sbb dah lama x jmp kolam kan so apa lagi smp kecut badan tu pun x sedar2 nk naik heheh.

kat private beach ni jugak la aku dpt menyaksikan maksiat yg di buat oleh org saudi sendiri. ya la kan kalau kat luar kita nmpk mrk ni terttp tp di sini mereka buka habis2an...dah jadik msia laku aku rase. dgn buka muzik kuat2 di dpn/sebelah umah pun bole dgr....dan menari sambil membuka abaya mrk....subhanallah...mintak allah bg mereka hidayah.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Pd 23Jan...pecah rekod lagi aku gamaknyer...mana tak nye aku masuk tournament boling....ha??? apa ??? boling mcm la aku pandai main kah3x. aku masuk pun sbb ganti kawan hubby aku yg terpaksa g training kat german last minute. kalau nak ikutkan hati aku xnk la aku masuk sbb takut nnt akan mengecewakan kawan2 yg lam team tu. ye la kan aku ni bukannya pandai main pun....setakat belasah baling tu bole la...hahaha. tp oleh kerana laki aku dah xde org lain maka terpaksa la dia amik aku. tp aku dah warning awal2 ngan dia...jgn harapkan aku hihii.

so lepas solat jumaat aku g la ke jeddah lanes. di sini mostly semua msian turun utk bermain so sonok la sbb dpt jumpa ramai kawan kan. kat sini ada 15lanes jek. oleh kerana pasukan ada 21 team so 6 yg last kena tggu 1st round habis. team aku lak main utk 2nd round.... tp yg x syoknye at least jd team tumpuan sbb last team nk nk perabiskan baling bola...lagik la aku gabra sbb semua org tertumpu pada kami. dah la aku ni x pandai main...panic terus aku di buatnye.

tp alhamdulillah wpun aku teruk main tp aku di cover oleh pemain2 profesional lam team aku spt hubby, rohaizat,azizan dan ana. alhamdulillah kami dpt tpt ke-3. hehheeh



Hmm agak lama aku x update blog ni ek...malas pun ada xde masa pun ada. skang ni setiap hari sabtu dan isnin aku ada kelas bhs arab. kelas ni bukan blajo bhs arab percakapan tp bhs arab utk al-quran. pastu lak every wednesday aku ada usrah plak. so alhamdulillah masa aku di isi dgn baik. kat sini aku nk kongsi sket artikel yg aku dpt dr usrah. artikel ni ditulis oleh ustazah kak lina.

Ten Useless Matters
By Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

There are ten useless matters:

1. Knowledge that is not acted on

2. The deed that has neither sincerity nor is based on following the righteous examples of others

3. Money that is hoarded, as the owner neither enjoys it during this life nor obtains any reward for it in the Hereafter

4. The heart that is empty of love and longing for Allah, and of seeking closeness to Him

5. A body that does not obey and serve Allah

6. Loving Allah without following His orders or seeking His pleasure

7. Time that is not spent in expiating sins or seeking His pleasure

8. A mind that thinks about useless matters

9. Serving those who do not bring you close to Allah, nor benefit you in your life

10. Hoping and fearing whoever is under the authority of Allah and His hand; while he cannot bring any benefit or harm to himself, nor death, nor life; nor can he resurrect himself.

Harap kengkawan dpt knowledge dr sini...insya allah. kalau aku rajin menaip nnt aku tepek la lagi heheh